United Women in Faith @
First Coral Gables
The United Women in Faith (UWF) of First Coral Gables is a vibrant, active, mission-oriented fellowship of laywomen whose vision is to turn faith, hope, and love into action on behalf of women, children, and youth around the world. We are committed to growing spiritually, developing leaders, and serving and advocating. If you would like more information about United Women in Faith at First Coral Gables, contact its President, Nora Hernandez Hendrix, by email.
2024 Hurricane Tree Project
For the 3rd year in a row, United Women in Faith collected items and donations in order to provide low-income Branches families with Hurricane Preparedness Kits. The kits contain important items to weather a hurricane, including lanterns, flashlights, batteries, solar powered phone chargers, first aid kits, masks, can openers, etc.
Thanks to the generosity of our congregation and the dedication of the UWF volunteers, twelve fully stocked hurricane preparedness kits were created — more than any previous year!
About United Women in Faith worldwide
United Women in Faith is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members, whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.
United Women in Faith and The United Methodist Church's principles and values include:
Promoting the empowerment of women, children and youth.
Promoting anti-racism and multiculturalism.
Promoting inclusion and equity.
Promoting fair labor practices.
Promoting economic and environmental stewardship and sustainability.
For more information about United Women in Faith, visit unitedmethodistwomen.org!
Unit Meeting
The next meeting of United Women in Faith of First Coral Gables will be held on Sunday, January 12, 2025 (immediately following worship service), in Room 206. The meeting will include a covered dish luncheon, so bring your favorite casserole or other food item so that we can enjoy a delicious meal and good fellowship, while sharing in the important work of United Women in Faith! For more information, contact Nora Hernandez Hendrix by email. All women are invited!
Upcoming Events
Unit Meetings
Sunday, January 12, 2025, Room 206
Sunday, March 9, 2025, Room 206
Sunday, May 4, 2025, Room 206
Sunday, October 5, 2025, Room 206
Deborah Circle
The Deborah Circle, which offers a more frequent, casual gathering of United Women in Faith at the home of one of our members, is currently on pause. We hope to resume meeting in the future. For more information, contact Nora Hendrix by email.