The Lamar Louise Curry Concert Series seeks to present captivating music in a beautiful space to the people of South Florida.  This ministry of First United Methodist Church Coral Gables is designed to provide a vital community outreach that enriches the lives of all ages— spiritually, culturally, and educationally—through music!


All concerts are FREE and open to the public!


2024-2025 Concert Series


Organized Rhythm:
Clive Driskill-Smith, Organist &
Joseph Gramley, Percussionist

April 4, 2025 • 7:30 PM

Trumpet and organ: it’s been done before. Flute and organ: it’s been done before. But the “symphonic-orchestral” pairing of organ and percussion remains a rarity, making Organized Rhythm the only full-time duo of its kind anywhere in the world. Clive and Joseph take every opportunity to deeply explore the lyrical and powerful tonal aspects of thunderous and dulcet wood and metal organ pipes married to the visceral, arresting, and delicate aspects of a wide array of percussion instruments from around the world through a collection of new works as well as transcriptions of recognizable classical compositions. Their repertoire spans from the music of J.S. Bach and Camille Saint-Saens to that of Aaron Copland, John Williams and celebrated and innovative 21st century composer Nico Muhly, with the duo’s adaptation of Gustav Holst’s The Planets being their signature, and most frequently requested, performance piece. Hear the First Coral Gables organ, a glorious 71-rank Schantz, showcased in this engaging, innovative concert!


First United Methodist Church of Coral Gables
536 Coral Way
Coral Gables, FL 33134
(305) 445-2578


Support the Concert Series

The Lamar Louise Curry Concert Series would not be possible without the financial generosity of many individuals. We are currently seeking underwriters for the 2024-25 series at three levels:

  • Bronze (up to $99)

  • Silver ($100-499)

  • Gold ($500-$1,000)

Please contact Seth Carlson, Music Director, if you are moved to support reaching out to our community through our music ministry. Thank you!


(Select “Concert Series” from the drop-down menu to designate your gift. Thank you!)

The Miami Sousa Band: Salute to Veterans

Seth M. Carlson, Conductor

November 10, 2024

The Miami Sousa Band returned to open the 2024-2025 Lamar Louise Curry Concert Series with a dazzling and uplifting Veteran’s Day Concert to honor those who have served our country in the United States Armed Forces! Watch the concert below!

Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass

December 7, 2024

Tim Zimmerman and The King’s Brass performed a rousing assortment of music from across the genres for this enchanting Christmas concert! Watch the concert below!

Thomas Pandolfi, Concert Pianist

with The First Coral Gables Chamber Ensemble

January 24, 2025 • 7:30 PM

World-renowned pianist Thomas Pandolfi returns to the Lamar Louise Curry Concert Series to present an arresting program of American music: Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Piano Concerto in F. Watch and see what a gorgeous interpretation Pandolfi gives us!