


Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.
— Isaiah 53:4-6 (New Living Translation)

Station 3

Jesus Falls.jpg

Christian tradition has long held this spot along the Via Dolorosa as the first place where Jesus faltered while carrying his cross. This is the first of the stations that does not have a specific biblical reference, but it is certainly easy to believe that Jesus — injured and in pain and hungry and sleep deprived — would have found it difficult to bear this heavy burden on those uneven, winding streets.

To get an idea of what the streets of the Old City are like today, watch the video below. On that Good Friday long ago, those narrow passageways would have looked very similar: packed with people, shops and vendors, wares for sale and people moving quickly toward their destinations or stopping to view the spectacle, people bumping into each other, talking over each other.

Crucifixions were a common occurrence, so it would not have been surprising to see Jesus and the two other condemned men passing slowly by.

When Jesus falls, the weight too heavy for his exhausted body, was there anyone near who automatically reached out to help someone in need? Did the people near him jeer, mocking him in his pain? Were there any kind words for this man on the way to his death?

We simply do not know.


Let us pray.

Gracious God,

We know what it is like to be tired. We know what it feels like to not have the energy to bear our burden any farther, and to sink to our knees in exhaustion. We know what it is like to feel sick, and weak, and depleted.

We pray for all of those who are experiencing those feelings right now. We pray for those whose burdens are too heavy to carry, and who desperately need a rest. We pray that they would be given time to ease the stress, to recuperate and restore. We pray that where we might help to provide that respite for those around us, that you would give us the insight and strength to do so.

We pray for all who are fighting disease of all kinds. We pray for their healing and for their strength. We pray for their loved ones as they worry.

We pray for the nurses and aides and doctors and medical staff who are caring for those who are ill. We pray that they would be safe, that they would have the equipment and knowledge and wisdom and energy they need to make the best decisions for their patients and for themselves. We pray that you would let your peace that passes all understanding rest upon their spirits, and let them know how loved they are by you, and how appreciated their work is by people around the world.

We pray for ourselves, when we feel depleted and sick, that you might comfort us and bring us healing. We pray that you would give us the strength to reach out for help. We pray that you would give the people around us the ability and the willingness to help in ways that make sense for us and for them.

We pray that we would better understand what a gift it is to have a God who understands this aspect of humanity — how tired and weak we can feel. We thank you for your willingness to experience all this… out of your love for us.

We finish this station by praying in silence, that you would open our spirits to you this day.