


He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly. He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.
— 1 Peter 2:22-24 (New Living Translation)

Station 7


After being cared for by Veronica, and with Simon the Cyrene carrying the cross, Jesus is able to move farther down the Via Dolorosa. But it is not long before he again falters, falling to the ground in agony. He is not even to the place of crucifixion yet, and his body is failing him. He knows that all that is ahead for him is a cross raised on the top of a hill.

Again, the scripture records no instance of Jesus falling, but it is easy to imagine it happening by this point in the journey. The loss of blood from the scourging, the night without sleep, no food, no water — all that would have been enough. Add to it all the emotional and mental torture of being forced to walk along with the very instrument of your death.

The crowds would have been closing in now as the procession prepares to turn south toward the hill of Golgotha. The streets would have been busy with people watching Jesus and the other condemned men.

Was there anyone there at that moment who offered Jesus a word of comfort, a look of compassion, a touch of care?

Let us pray.

Gracious God,

In the midst of this current challenging season, as so many are continuing to be affected by division, by illness, by war, by violence, by uncertainty, we pray that you would be with all who are suffering from spiritual and mental fatigue. We pray that they would find rest.

We pray that their spirits would be restored. We pray that their minds would find clarity. We pray that their bodies would be rejuvenated and healed.

We pray especially for all those with mental illness, that these difficult days would not worsen their struggle. We pray that they would receive your peace, and that they would reach out to those who could give them assistance. We pray that those who know and love them would reach out to them in support to give encouragement and comfort.

We pray that when we see someone who is in pain, that you would place in our spirits a knowledge of what we can do to help, and the courage to follow through on where you lead us.

We finish this station by praying in silence, that you would open our spirits to you this day.