


As they led Jesus away, a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, happened to be coming in from the countryside. The soldiers seized him and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.
— Luke 23:26 (New Living Translation)

Station 5

Just a few steps away from stations 3 and 4, Jesus falters, unable to continue carrying his heavy cross. He is too weakened, too weary. So the soldiers guarding him grab a man walking by, and force him to carry the cross.

This man, Simon, was not an Israelite. He was from Cyrene, an ancient Greek city in what is now Libya, in northern Africa. He is likely visiting the Holy City of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, or was there to engage in trade. Whatever his reason, when he woke up that morning he certainly never imagined that he would end up carrying the cross of a complete stranger.

We do not know what Simon thought about this. We don’t know if he argued with the soldiers, or if he simply bent to the task. We do not know if he spoke to Jesus, or if he offered words of comfort as he shouldered the great burden that this man could no longer carry. We do not know if he bore that burden quietly, or if he did it with great noise and reluctance.

But we do know that, for a few moments at least, Jesus was given the assistance he needed to be able to carry the cross.

Let us pray.

Gracious God,

We pray for all those who step in to lift someone up, to help carry a burden, to give relief and succor to someone in pain. We pray that the spirits and bodies of those they seek to help would be healed and restored, and that they would know the joy of having someone care for them.

We pray for those who find it hard to ask for help, that they would be surrounded by people who know and love them, and that they would be able to speak of their needs. We pray that those who hear those needs would not judge them for requiring assistance, but would serve with joy, as you have taught us.

We pray for ourselves, that when our plan for the day is interrupted by the need of someone you place in our path, that we would see not an intrusion into our time, but an opportunity to share your love. We pray for your forgiveness when we have treated the needs and pains of others as somehow less important than our own. We pray that you would give us your eyes, as we seek to see the world as you do. We pray that you would give us your compassion, your wisdom, your strength, and your courage as we reach out to those around us.

We finish this station by praying in silence, that you would open our spirits to you this day.